
Sabtu, 03 April 2010

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Jumat, 02 April 2010

Contoh Teks Hortatory


 (General Statement)
Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and its full-scale impacts are hard to predict far in advance.      But each year people learn more about what causes global warming. This is the real problem that is faced to us and we can not run again from this.

(Argument 1)
Many people also argue that global warming is arisen from vehicles and industries pollution. We know that emission gas of industries and vehicles cause increasing of carbon dioxide and air vapor in atmosphere which makes world temperature hotter, called greenhouse effect.

Illegal logging is became one of causes global warming. For example, in our country, Indonesia,  if illegal cut trees more and more, temperature of world will increase. Consequently, Earth to be hotter. And no one care with this problem. If earth is not helped from now, the earth will not have any future again.

(Argument 3)
Using electricity much more, cause temperature of earth warm up. In common, people produce energy with fossil power that makes carbon dioxide in atmosphere increase.

Finally, I think that people should be more care about this phenomenon. Some activity can us do to reduce effect of global warming. Among these:

v  Modernize power plants and generate electricity from nonpolluting sources
v  Cut our electricity use through energy efficiency
v  Using car that run cleaner and burn less gas.

Higher Education for Woman

(General Statement)
In this modern era, there are still some parents who are reluctant to sending their daughter to college. Because a woman is expected just to be a wife, and most parents believe that if their daughter gets married and chooses to be a housewife, their higher education will be a waste. A attitude that is shown by the perents such as like that is a big mistake. Because, in fact an educated woman does not only make them a better wife but also a contributer better thing to the large society

(Argument 1)
Now, more women are successfully combining their career and marriage. Educated women are richer, both emotionally and financially. They are able to find an outlet for monotonous drudgery of their housekeeping. They bring more satisfaction and contentment to their lives.

Time has changed. In fact, this time the capability of a woman is needed, because  in the last few decades women have proof the they can made outstanding contributions to society.

Woman should be given the freedom to be educated, whether they get married or go to work after finishing their education. Because it is only through education that a woman will find herself useful and discover what she wants in her life. A woman who work is not an insult to her husband. Conversely, her husband should feel proud of her achievement since marriage is actually an equal partnership. Therefore, parents should not think that girls should receive less education just because they will get marriage one day.

Removal Of Lead From Petrol

(General Statement)
In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere) there doesn't seem to
have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country.

(Argument 1)
While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through
the country, where you only see the another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as
when traffic is concentrated on city roads.

(Argument 2)
Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don't seem to appreciate that, in 
the country, there is no transport for all of the public and one's own vehicle is the only way.

I feel that the country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already 
spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city.